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Die passende Bekleidung von

Die MILVUS Segelflughosen ALFA und BRAVO vereinfachen das Blasenmanagement während des Fliegens um ein vielfaches. Durch den ca. 25 cm langen Reissverschluss ist ein freier Zugriff jeder Zeit gewährleistet und das Pinkeln im Segelflugzeug noch einfacher. Am besten in Kombination mit einer Unterhose "mit Eingriff". Der sehr elastische Stoff im Gesässbereich bietet auch für Windeln genügend Platz und eine uneingeschränkte Bewegungsfreiheit.


Blasenmanagement - die 6 Methoden für Piloten

For Paraglider girls

Finally a 100 FAI triangle thanks to Easypeesy

So far, my cross-country flights often ended not because of a lack of thermal connection, but because I had to pee. I've had bad experiences with diapers and then I didn't really dare to go cross country. The Easypeesy can even be pushed in quickly behind the tree at the launch site. I wear tight boxer shorts with panty liner so that everything fits well and nothing happens if a droplet is next to it. I then simply run the hose down through the trouser leg. I have a piece of old stockings on my ankle, where I pull the end of the hose through and fix it exactly on the side. So nothing goes on shoes or harnesses. Once you sit in the harness you hardly feel the Esasypeesy at all and there is no peeing stress. I am totally happy that nothing stands in the way of the long distances with the paraglider!

Thank you for this great invention!


Long flights? No problem!

Almost all pilots in the current women's national gliding team use this system. Long, exhausting flights are no longer a problem! Sufficient liquid can be absorbed during flight and released again easily. There is no lack of fluids at all and full concentration is maintained.